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General Discussion / Possible to add BT & App to sh...
Last post by JasonDMX2 - October 20, 2023, 06:29:43 AM
Is it a possibility to add BT & App to shield? Or will the lbb stand alone be available again?
General Discussion / Re: Is anyone still making the...
Last post by Nbrasfield - October 17, 2023, 02:09:42 PM
Any idea when you're going to get another set of standalones in?  I just ordered a shield, but I'd much rather use a standalone!
v1.0 - v1.1 / Re: No CAN communication from ...
Last post by hakcenter - October 11, 2023, 07:30:34 AM
From our emails back and forth I believe this is resolved now ?
v1.0 - v1.1 / No CAN communication from HE35...
Last post by decathect - October 08, 2023, 09:36:59 AM
Hoping someone can confirm whether or not my actuator might be bad.

I've built the 1.1 shield, wired everything up and uploaded the arduino code. When I apply 13.8V to the actuator, it does a sweep but this is not being commanded by lilBB.

I have a CAN sniffer on the bus and I get no messages at 250k when it is powered up. I added a second terminating resistor for the appropriate bus resistance of 60Ohms. I have confirmed correct pinning of connectors with CAN HI and LOW connected in the right place.

Can anyone confirm whether the actuator should start transmitting periodic messages after applying power? Is this what LilBB is looking for to determine when the turbo is online? It seems like it.

Thanks for any help!

v1.0 - v1.1 / Re: My life, My coding
Last post by Rx7man - September 14, 2023, 06:58:43 PM
Well, been over a year (yikes) since I updated this.. figure I ought to do that.. I am still alive.. working on moving (and I have a LOT of stuff to move).. the 2wd first gen is a beauty to drive... I got rid of all my cows :(  ...
However, for projects, I have that H pump and I've decided (finally) on what CPU to use on it, ESP32, which has a DAC which is necessary.. plenty of processing power too (240mhz x 2 cores x 32bit) as well as built in CAN (and I have got that part working too
It's quite a nice little board, and I think I could actually use the same board to control the turbo as well, just hook some other sensors up to it. 
I'll be counting the pump gear teeth (10 crank degrees separation) with a VR sensor and then have a hall effect sensor in one spot to reset it, probably like 50* BTDC on #1, and then I can get my timing from there with a piezo sensor on the #1 injector tube, and I should be able to get VERY accurate rotational information and see if one cylinder fires harder or less hard than the others.. Reading the fuel rack position is REALLY complicated, gotta feed it about a 60khz sine wave and then read the peaks.. Ideally I think you would do a frequency sweep between about 50-60khz and find where it's gives the highest amplitude (resonant frequency).. I'll have to see how fast I can make that happen and see if it's feasible in practice
General Discussion / Re: Moparman board
Last post by llamajwc - September 07, 2023, 02:38:19 PM
The communication wires arent connected to d10 and d9.
You connect to the Can Hi and Can Lo
General Discussion / Re: Moparman board
Last post by brownjeremy56 - August 13, 2023, 06:20:58 PM
End of day update. I got my LCD working, all inputs seem to work. Just don't appear to have can communication to turbo.

Is there a way to check? I'm using elecfreak v1.2 canbus shield. I have tried setting up on pin D10 and D9. No luck.
General Discussion / Re: Moparman board
Last post by brownjeremy56 - August 13, 2023, 11:56:52 AM
I don't know how to email you directly. If I click on your name it says action not allowed.

If you could help that'd be great. I'm lost. Most of my programming experience has been html, action script, and a few others. Arduino programming is Greek to me.

Since I talked to you last I have managed to get my code to compile and upload to the board. That felt like a win. Unfortunately it doesn't do anything other than light up my lcd display. When my VGT actuator is powered it seems to cycle once, and continually make a subtle noise. I have put pots in place of my sensor inputs so that I can try to make this work before I install the turbo on my truck. Unfortunately it doesn't do a thing. Doesn't even display anything on my LCD screen.

If you email me directly maybe you could push me in the right direction.
v2.0 / Re: Android app too old?
Last post by hakcenter - August 06, 2023, 07:18:09 PM
Have you gone through the app settings in android and given the app the Bluetooth permissions ?

I'll have to screenshot it later.
v2.0 / Re: Android app too old?
Last post by Trebler - August 06, 2023, 03:41:31 AM
I am also having these issues and hopeful for a resolution. I can't seem to update the firmware either.