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lil black box shield?

Started by bccdn, August 12, 2019, 09:03:37 PM


Hello, was trying to purchase the shield. however i am getting "not available" at checkout. Also can you run the the calibrate command with the shield or is that just a stand alone feature?  Thanks in advance   :)


Sorry the shield is out of stock for awhile. Yes you can still calibrate through it.
TS2009 Deḇarim 8:2
"And you shall remember that יהוה your Elohim led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you, prove you, to know what is in your heart, whether you guard His commands or not.


How long before they are back in stock?


TS2009 Deḇarim 8:2
"And you shall remember that יהוה your Elohim led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you, prove you, to know what is in your heart, whether you guard His commands or not.


Is there eta on the shield stock? Would love to buy one  :)